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We believe that a positive mindset has the power to transform a work environment from dull to delightful, not just personally, but for those around you. It can also have a positive effect on efficiency, productivity, personal growth, and team growth. We asked our employees to shed light on the power of a healthy mindset by providing some contrasting examples of negative versus positive thinking. Here are some great examples that they came up with:

Negative Thinking: I really messed that up, my supervisor probably thinks I’m unreliable.

Positive Thinking: I made one mistake. I acknowledged it with my supervisor and am taking corrective action for a better result next time.

Negative Thinking: I have too much to do and can’t get anything done.

Positive Thinking: I have a lot to get done. Let me focus on one thing at a time.

Negative Thinking: I don’t know what I’m doing, I’ll never understand this new task.

Positive Thinking: Learning this new task is challenging and will take time, but I will have a new skill after I master it.

Negative Thinking: My teammate hurt her hand on the job today, now she’s out of work for a few days.

Positive Thinking: My teammate hurt her hand on the job today. Thankfully she was wearing appropriate PPE, our team took swift action to get her treatment, and she got home safely. We learned from the incident, updated our safety procedures and it won’t happen again.

Negative Thinking: How did I miss that detail, not just once, but twice?

Positive Thinking: Oversights happen, especially when you’re rushing, so take a deep breath, refocus, and stop trying to do everything all at once.

Negative Thinking: I hit every obstacle possible today and feel like I got nothing done, I’m so frustrated!

Positive Thinking: Today was challenging, but I persevered because I’m a strong person. I did my best despite some setbacks that were out of my control. I’m going to kick butt tomorrow like I do most days.

Negative Thinking: My teammate fell short and it lead to extra work for me…I don’t have time for this.

Positive Thinking: My teammate fell short as do I sometimes. Nobody is perfect. We talked, worked through it, and resolved the issue. I lead by example.


Negative thinking: Winter is coming, there will not be enough work.

Positive thinking: Winter is coming, if there is a slowdown, it would be a great opportunity to renew licenses and safety training.


Negative Thinking: My supervisor always waits to the last minute to ask me for something which is so frustrating.

Positive Thinking: My supervisor knows that even at the last minute, he can depend on me to get things done.

Positive thinking may come naturally for some, but often requires a diligent, conscience effort. Hopefully, once you make a conscious effort to embrace a more positive mindset, your brain will naturally develop new patterns of thinking!