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Geopier® GCC Rigid Inclusions

HomeServicesGround ImprovementGeopier® GCC Rigid Inclusions

Geopier GeoConcrete® Column Rigid Inclusions

Geopier GeoConcrete Columns (GCCs) are rigid inclusion ground improvement elements that enhance unsuitable soil conditions to provide an improved subgrade for traditional shallow footing support.  GCC rigid inclusions consist of stiff columns of unreinforced concrete that are constructed with a patented displacement mandrel equipped with a beveled tamping foot.  The displacement mandrel generates little to no excess spoils and eliminates the need for casing or dewatering.   This displacement construction method is particularly advantageous on sites with caving soils, contaminated soils, and/or shallow groundwater.  GCCs are an especially effective solution on sites with relatively thick weak and compressible soils (such as organics or soft clay) combined with heavy structural loads.

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